Joyful Celebrations

All across America this weekend were joyful celebrations of liberty and freedom. The weekend heralded the birthday of our great country. People had bar-b-ques, set off fireworks or watched displays light up the sky. There were parades and get-togethers. It was an event we could all share in common. We are emerging from a pandemic that was devastating […]
There Has To Be Another Way

If you have been on medications for depression and anxiety for years and it seems as though they are no longer effective then yes, there is another way. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, TMS, is the most advanced treatment for unipolar depression that uses a magnetic field to stimulate brain areas that control moods. The FDA Approved […]
Crushing feeling

Loneliness can be a crushing feeling. COVID exacerbated this situation for many people. Our ability to connect, feel the warmth of another, enjoy communication was all stunted during the pandemic. It has been noted that one adjustment made by many individuals has been to get a pet. Particularly to get a dog. The sense of companionship, […]
Coping Mechanisms During Covid-19

Many have felt cooped up, uncertain of the future, and restricted from our normal lives during the pandemic. The feelings of frustration, anger, and sadness are to be expected. Some tips for coping with these natural feelings are to start journaling. Use the journal as a vehicle to let all your emotions out. It is ok to […]
Depression Is On The Rise

Major Depression is more prevalent than you may think. Worldwide, pre-COVID, over 350 million people were suffering. The numbers have now increased. Depression is not limited to just adults. Children, adolescents, and seniors are all susceptible as well. The medical profession considers this a serious medical illness. Depression impacts your entire life and the people around you. The […]