Vegetable Soup of Letters.

MDD, TRD, OC, ADHD, PTSD are all ways of expressing conditions that need a mental wellness professional physician. Contemporary Care Centers is a full service psychiatric practice that delivers individualized diagnosis and care plans for every patient. Whether you are suffering MDD- major depressive disorder or ptsd post traumatic stress disorder Contemporary Care Centers will help you […]
What’s Your Problem?

Issues such as depression, anxiety, acute and post traumatic stress ADD, marriage and relationship, post COVID burn out are all treatable. Contemporary Care Centers offers medication management, individual and group therapies, TMS, and Spravato- esketamine. The large highly trained team of professionals led by Clinical Director Tarique Perera, M.D. ensures each patient receives a personalized […]
Right Diagnosis – Wrong Cure

You know you are anxious. Your fears and phobias are becoming more intense. It has been months since you have felt any sense of pleasure or joy. Using a high sugar and salt content diet will delight the taste buds for a short period of time then the crash will follow that makes you feel […]
Trying to Self Heal

Trying to Self Heal Pat a dog. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Break a sweat in exercise. Give up sugar. Do mindful meditation. Declutter your home. Meet a friend. The list of suggestions can go on and on.. If you are emotionally struggling these are fine but nowhere near enough. Depression, anxiety, phobias, and trauma […]
Big Girls Don’t Cry and Tears of a Clown

Big Girls Don’t Cry and Tears of a Clown These two oldies but goodies songs were reflecting an attitude of what behavior should be. .Historically people have been raised not to express sadness, frustration, fear, or loss with tears. Release of emotions through tears can be just what the body needs. Current mental wellness is focused […]
Major Depressive Disorder Treatment

Major Depressive Disorder is a debilitating condition that can render a person feeling hopeless. This can become even more dangerous if the individual starts to consider suicide. Contemporary Care Centers is a full service psychiatric practice that treats MDD. One of our highly trained clinicians will assess the right medication management or treatment that is best for […]
TMS As An Option For Depression Treatment

It is normal to have a bad day once in a while. If those bad days are being strung together forming months or even years, you may be suffering depression or major depressive disorder. Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you feel hopeless most of the time? Is it hard to stay awake during the […]
Key Insights During Mental Health Awareness Week

Key Insights During Mental Health Awareness Week There are conversations about mental illness that include disorders such as anxiety, depression, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, trauma-related disorders, eating and substance abuse disorders. During the pandemic when normal life was severely impacted, many people found themselves faced with the realization that they were suffering mentally and emotionally. Once […]
Comabatting the Rise of Youth Suicide

Comabatting the Rise of Youth Suicide “Oh she is just a teenager acting out”. “He has always been a loner, he will grow out of it when he meets the right girl.” ” It’s just a phase- don’t be concerned.”NO ABSOLUTELY BE CONCERNED! Since 2007 youth suicide has increased by 57%. The mental health of […]
Daily Plans to Help Manage Your Life

Plans to Help Manage Your Life If you have a plan then you have an idea where you are going. Adjustments can always be made but at least there is a direction. Have a plan for the day. What is it that you want to get done? Do you want your space to be neat […]